Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Turn Around, Bend Over, Close Your Eyes, Keep Quiet Now......

Here cometh some new shit! Echoing from the Chicago town of Illinois. He Say, She Say' are sending us good n dirty vibes that come crashing through our speakerboxes courtesy of Myspace. The anthem that is 'Crash Dummie' spits out at you like a very angry Llama and hits you right in the face. A synth hook that you wont let you go, rides over the Million $ Mano beats while Dreas' vocal drips over you like a tank full of honey. Have i used enough alternative metaphors? Hmmm.... its so good i asked them when and if they were gonna come to London...
No plans yet , but we'd would love to '.....came the digital response. Lets hope they do make it over here.... Giving Pop a run for its money. 'He Say, She Say are exciting and electric.' And they sound nothing like Daft Punk. Mr Kanye west seems to have been so influenced by Daft Punk that he decided to totally rip them off but has come off sounding more like Cher with his tired use of the Speakerbox on his new album. Beware of False Idols!!!

He Say, She Say - Crash Dummies

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